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Karin Siebold, LMBT, CST

Thank you for visiting my website - The first step to improved health and wellness!image

My focus for my clients is CranioSacral Therapy (CST).  This is a gentle technique which complements the body's natural healing process.  CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease.  It is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.  (Details under "Services & Rates")

Recently I completed BioAquatics Exploration: CranioSacral Therapy, and worked as a Dolphin imageAssisted Support Therapist.  CST Water Therapy has been added as a highly recommended service to my clients.  More information is provided on my Services page.

Additionally, I provide CranioSacral Therapy and Massage to our Equine friends!

To discuss your individual needs, answer questions, and/or to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and call my office or send me a message.



Faith, Love, Perseverance, and Gentleness - 1 Timothy 6:11

Visit my Facebook Page for health tips, information, and inspiration! In Touch CranioSacral Therapy, Karin Siebold


"After a fall in the bathroom where I hit my head on the tub and had a big goose egg on my forehead and a splitting headache I saw Karin.  After two cranio sacral treatments which were so relaxing, the headaches went away.  I would recommend this treatment. Karin is calm and caring and makes you feel at ease."  Beverly 1-2013